03 December 2009

This is what it looks like when the s...t hits the fan, not so bad actually

A beautiful Thursday Dec 3rd, 2009
in Lemland

The walk across the field to the mail box, hoar frost all over,

in finding...... my self!!!!!

Does that mean I'm closer to enlightenment now, over the hump....

.....or is it simply a good fortune that i was allowed to speak my mind about some issues dear to me, to a larger audience,
perhaps causing a few people to see things a little differently and even take action.
Perhaps another ball started rolling...into the mysterious future of this Universe?!

As Gandhi said:

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

Thank you for the opportunity to be myself once more
Have a great day!!
Your best day ever if you can, don't hesitate!

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