SO there now it is official, on November the 24th 2009, in the local paper Nya Åland,
the local government on the Åland archipelago has published their intent to stop food waste in private homes, having recognised the fact that wasted foods are wasted resources, both where the foods are produced, during the transport from producer to customers, and then having to dump the spoiled foods somewhere, using polluting fossil fuels also known as "black-crack-oil" addiction, you know the stuff your friendly neighborhood drug cartell is pushing on anyone with a "gasoline or diesel powered luxury wheelchair" drivers/operators licence, alongside the full treatment of "white-crack-sugar".
This licencse should be cut out and covered in plastic and used by anyone willing to go and show that millions of tons of fine foods annually across europe are being wasted behind the ever fresh looking image of your local supermarket shelves and logos.
Next time you go and check their compost bins or other containers, get ready for the shock of your life, and lots of free food, ready to be rescued and treated with the respect it deserves after the long journey from sunny climes to your local shop
open your eyes and do what you can to stop the madness.
Cut out the licence from your paper and cover it in plastic and bring it with you in case you get a startled shop employee to give you an evil eye, and on or more of the following statements:
What are you doing there?
That wasn't what we had in mind with these containers!
Did you realize that this food is dangerous?
One has to pay for ones food!!
Where personally i might answer like this:
What would Pippi Långstrump say to all this?
I have never seen a dangerous banana yet!
Millions of tons are wasted each year, and people are starving in those parts of the world where our food often came from!
Think about all the pollution and heavy truck traffic across Europe, to drive around stuff that is thrown out
This food is perfectly good, yoghurt keeps often weeks beyond the expiration date, aswell as many other foods.
Use common sense
Use resources wisely
How much food is being wasted as a percentage of what was produced?
It is staggering, if alone the households/consumers are estimated to waste @10%
How much is wasted during harvest? During manufacturing? During Transport?
Or simply after harvest in order to keep the prices stable!
Why is it produced in the first place using synthetic fertilizers made from fossil fuel using fossil fuel, a resource known to dissapear in a very short time.
Why then bother to genetically modify the food, with all the risk and actual danger this entails, when the excess produced is ultimately only wasted anyway, besides producing inferior, and dangerous foods for the health of every living thing....
Clearly locally produced food must have the best eco balance, bet yet with local organic food, bet yet with local organic homegrown stuff
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