Ich bin im Moment, und zwar schon seit Ende Februar auf der Iberischen Halbinsel mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs, und kann aus Spanien und Portugal das Gleiche berichten. Je groesser der Laden, je mehr wird weggeworfen, auch hier sind die Container/Tonnen oft absichtlich abgesperrt, andererseits scheinen auch viel mehr Menschen den Blick in die Tonne zu wagen um mit den Ueberraschungsfunden nach Hause zu ziehen!!
Sobald ich wieder mehr Zeit am Computer habe werde ich Containerbilder von der Reise hochladen
Am bicycling currently, since late February, the iberian pennsula, and will post my finding with text and photos when i have enough time to spend behind the computer.
Basically it's the same situation, I have been finding lots when the containers weren't locked, a lot more people seem to be checking containers though
and the bigger the Store, the greater the wastestream!!!
25 May 2010
13 February 2010
Jahresbeginn 2010, Klimakrise!?! .....Wirtschaftskrise...ich krieg die Bio-Krise
Jahresbeginn 2010, Klimakrise!?! .....Wirtschaftskrise...ich krieg die Bio-Krise
Offener Brief an zwei Erzeuger und uns Verzehrer von Bionahrungsmitteln, sowie alle Erderwärmungsbeobachter
ALso erst einmal was ich am 11. Februar und dann am 12. Februar schon wieder auf mich nehmen musste, bei ALNATURA NO 1, FRANKFURT SACHSENHAUSEN
Innerhalb der letzten 36 Stunden habe ich sage und schreibe 30KG Kartoffeln nach Hause geschleppt, von den 20KG Brot ganz zu schweigen
mir soll mal jemand sagen was denn an diesen Kartoffeln nicht stimmt!
Von den mehligkochenden Kartoffeln hatte ich gar 3x2kg, davon gab ich schon zwei auf dem Heimweg weg, sowie zwei Brote, ohne Fahrräder, alle ausser Betrieb im Moment, kann Mensch einfach nicht so viel mitnehmen
Jeder weiss natürlich was Asterix und Obelix jetzt dazu sagen würden.
Na Kommt ihr Drauf?
Die spinnen die RÖMER!!!
Hier jetzt noch der Offene Brief an die Erzeuger der im vorangegangen Blogeintrag dokumentierten Kartoffelberge und Zwiebelnetzen
Offener Brief an zwei Erzeuger und uns Verzehrer von Bionahrungsmitteln, sowie alle Erderwärmungsbeobachter
Hallo Arne Mehrens
Hans v. Hagenow von Haus Bollheim
Wilhelm und Eva Gebhardt vom Thomasbauernhof
ich habe ein blog dumpsterdivingpippi.blogspot.com
welches sich mit der Verschwendung von Nahrungsmitteln in unserer westlichen Wegwerfgesellschaft beschäftigt und mich, ganz praktisch, eigentlich damit überfordert diese tollen weggeworfenen Lebensmittel doch noch an den Mann oder die Frau und das Kind zu bringen und nicht selber völlig an Verfettung einzugehen. Hehehe!
Es reicht wirklich dicke eine ganze Hundertschaft durchzufüttern, mit dem was ich so im Moment im Schnitt der Wochen hier in Franfurt hinter den Bio Supermärkten aus den Biotonnen ziehe.
Weiss nicht so recht ob mich freuen soll, immerhin es macht ja enorm Spass, eine "Müll"-Tonne ist wie ein grosses Überraschungsei, und ausserdem spare ich nicht unerhebliche Mengen an Geld, oder ob ich etwa weinen soll, dass in Deutschland, Schweden und anderen westeuropäischen Ländern solch empörende Mengen an völlig geniessbaren Nahrungsmitteln verkommen, die mit solch Anstrengung und Leidenschaft wie bei Biobauern doch üblich, unserer schon arg zugesetzten Erde für die sprichwörtliche Katz abgetrotzt werden konnten.
Das Schlimme ist ja auch dass die Angestellten diese Supermärkte von all den abgelaufenen, oder 'unverkäuflichen' Lebensmitteln nichts mit nach Hause nehmen dürfen, es sei denn sie wollen eine fristlose Entlassung riskieren. An die Tafeln ja, in die Tonnen auch wenn die tafeln übersättigt abwinken, aber an die Angestellten ein Grosses NEIN!
Diese Sache habe ich dokumentiert in Bildern auf meiner langen Fahrradadreise im Mai beginnend in der Schweiz, die Donau hinab nach Bratislava, Slovakei, und dann hinauf bis nach Estland und Finnland. Auf den Ålandinseln begann ich dann mit diesem Blog, und einem Leserbrief an die Zeitungen, nachdem eine Ladenkette damit begonnen hatte die Tonnen abzuschliessen, und in der gleichen Woche, eine EG Umweltwoche, die Autonomieregierung der Inseln, in Zeitungsinseraten die Bevölkerung dazu aufgerufen hatte doch zu Hause weniger Essen wegzuwerfen (Klimaschutz usw). Da war dann also das Mass voll und die Zeitungen waren auch voll davon mit gar auf der ersten Seite. Lieber hätte ich eine volle Mass gehabt, aber die gibt's ja eher in Bayern, und da war ich dann erst um Neujahr wieder, in Kempten, wo ich Niederegger Marzipan im Werte von zusammengerechnet 230 Euro von der Tonne in die meinigen Gedärme und diejenigen meiner Freunde umzuleiten wusste.
Nun denn, also in meinem Blog, da könnt ihr mal einen von euren Kartoffelsäcken wiedersehen (wieviel davon gibt es eigentlich jedes jahr) und die Gebhardts eines ihrer Bio-mit-Gesicht Zwiebelnetzen. Der Kartoffelsack schrie bei DENNS wie am Spiess still in die Schwärze der Nacht hinein und wollte demnach aus der Tonne wieder unter den freien Himmel wie bei der Ernte schon.
Die Zwiebeln erhaschte im gleichen kalt dunklen Abendwind hinter der fröhlich farbigen Fassade von TEGUT ein erfreulicheres Schicksal, meines Erachtens schon eher im Sinne ihrer Schöpfer! Jetzt werden wir sie in die Pfanne hauen, hört sich auch nicht so nett an, hmmmm!
na ja ihr könnt mir ja gerne mal schreiben, wär nett. Finde ich im Übrigen toll was ihr da so anbaut, leckere Sachen, vielleicht komme ich irgendwann auch einmal dort oder gar dort mit dem Radl vorbei, doch jetzt geht es erst einmal nach Portugal, mit Zug und Fahrrad......dann in die bretagne hinauf an der Westseite Europas, immer auf der Suche nach Abenteuer, Schönheit und den Überraschungseiern hinter den Geschäften, bin schon gespannt, ach ja bei Tamera.org wollte ich auch noch vorbei, dass ist eine Öko- und Friendensgemeinschaft, die sich viel mit Permakultur/Landwirtschaft und Ökoenergieerzeugung beschäftigt.....
Mit lieben dankenden Gruessen
Birchbarkbobananda in Frankfurt am Main
"May all beings be happy"
"CouchSurfing is a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit."
"Il n'y a pas de crise de l'Energie, mais simplement une crise d'Ignorance" Buckminster Fuller
"Peace begins with a smile" Mother Teresa
12 February 2010
A diving trip to Small Potato Cove and other tasty destinations
A diving trip to Small Potato Cove and other tasty destinations
Feb 10 thru 11, 2010
Finally I had a great dig at TEGUT on Berger Strasse, 11PM, after a Couchsurfing Meeting in an illegally and obnoxiously smoky cafe "Stilbruch"

Again lots of nice food from here and.......at DENNS, also Berger Strasse

Pineapple, Apple, mandarins, Bread, Sunflower seeds from China, not sure if I trust their organic stuff, 40 years ago chinese still starved, not being able to grow enough for themselves, and now they can grow this food, make money shipping it to rich europe, so we can throw it into the dumpsters...

the craziest find of the evening were 12 kg of Potatoes,
grown in Northwestern Germany, at least 150-200km from Frankfurt, and then just thrown out because they started sprouting a teenie weenie bit!
packed by:

Haus Bollheim KG
biologisch-dynamischer Landbau
530909 Zülpich
E-Mail: mail@bollheim.de
Web: www.bollheim.de

..............and perfect Onions
check it out!
Bio with a Face, just enter the number that I found on the back of the Bag of onions, enter it in this website and get directed to the grower, there you can probably send an email, tell them were you saw their beautiful onions.
I will.
Here is the number:
701 0887

and here the farmers, who were given the privilege to grow this beautiful food for us, without toxins and synthetic fertilizers, for a better world.............
Thank you!!!!!!!

Eva und Wilhelm Gebhardt
Haus Nr. 1
97340 Gnötzheim in Unterfranken
nicht so weit von Ochsenfurt am Main
Finally I had a great dig at TEGUT on Berger Strasse, 11PM, after a Couchsurfing Meeting in an illegally and obnoxiously smoky cafe "Stilbruch"
Again lots of nice food from here and.......at DENNS, also Berger Strasse
Pineapple, Apple, mandarins, Bread, Sunflower seeds from China, not sure if I trust their organic stuff, 40 years ago chinese still starved, not being able to grow enough for themselves, and now they can grow this food, make money shipping it to rich europe, so we can throw it into the dumpsters...
the craziest find of the evening were 12 kg of Potatoes,
grown in Northwestern Germany, at least 150-200km from Frankfurt, and then just thrown out because they started sprouting a teenie weenie bit!
packed by:

Haus Bollheim KG
biologisch-dynamischer Landbau
530909 Zülpich
E-Mail: mail@bollheim.de
Web: www.bollheim.de
..............and perfect Onions
check it out!
Bio with a Face, just enter the number that I found on the back of the Bag of onions, enter it in this website and get directed to the grower, there you can probably send an email, tell them were you saw their beautiful onions.
I will.
Here is the number:
701 0887
and here the farmers, who were given the privilege to grow this beautiful food for us, without toxins and synthetic fertilizers, for a better world.............
Thank you!!!!!!!

Eva und Wilhelm Gebhardt
Haus Nr. 1
97340 Gnötzheim in Unterfranken
nicht so weit von Ochsenfurt am Main
11 February 2010
MANGOlomaniac, culinary music, make my day!
MANGOlomaniac, culinary music, make my day!
Lets see, I can't quiet keep up with posting all this crazy food in the blog, nor keep up eating it all by myself, but giving away this wonderful food is great and educational fun.
95% of the people i give it to have no idea of the scale of waste, that is hidden right in front of their sleep-walking selves, so to speak "hidden in plain view". I must say, it wasn't that much different for me although i have been a recycler and reuser all my life pretty much, but if I would throw something away it usually pretty much is real garbage, so why would anyone throw away perfectly good bicycles, clothes, radios, you name it, even food.
So yes, even my awakening is always gradual, as more veils are lifted and the magnitude of our decadence is revealed!
Here comes the last few days of wasted then rescued multitudes, multivitamins......Yum, still Yum!
FEB 6, 2010
FEB 6, 2010
A gargantuan load of bread for a bicycle, I had to do two trips.
Unaware that there is another side to the coin, there always is another side to anything,
people under hypnosis wouldn't even notice an elephant in the middle of the room they are in
See all the bread on the shelves late afternoonish, either it is sold by the time they close, or they give it to "Die Tafeln" for the needy, or when they already have to much, as often the case all across Germany, it is just dumped.
Can't stress it often enough: At ALNATURA, employees do not get a discount on ecofood, nor are they allowed to take home the expired things.
A\They could get fired for taking any of the stuff they are forced to dump as employees, the very stuff, that makes up my smoothies, my bread and butter these days, my past-time, my diving trips.....
So the first load went home, fill up the freezer, i love shopping when the price is always right!
Then I went out again to get as many of the breads, as above, as possible, I wasn't going to let it go to waste tonight. So I filled all my four bike bags, my backpack, and a plastic bag with the wholesome breads, even more apples, bananas and mandarins, that they had dumped in the meantime, between my first trip and the second, just 1 1/2 hrs apart.
Then I cruised downtown to find homeless folks who needed bread and fruit, it was well received and very educational for me.
I even found an icelandic theology student, who had been on route from Reykjavik Iceland to Israel tom study the dead sea scrolls, when he had all his belongings and money, credit card stolen in Frankfurt, waiting for a transfer of funds, hanging out in the cold trainstation at night.
He was very thankful for bread, bananas, apples, mandarins, and help to a warm place to stay.
An older woman with a cute little dog and a wooden cart, who because of her dog wasn't allowed into the homeless kitchen, was also very happy to recive that bread, sorry folks, no pictures of all this........I just didn't feel it was right to.....ahahahaaaaaa, wel I think i'm a bit shy taking pictures of people, especially when they are in a situation, they don't really want to be in, perhaps even ashamed to sit and beg.
There still is music in the city
and it is almost never German, the lively ones are from abroad, and add color and flair without a wage, but they do earn a living somehow
Basically the same thing at BASIC, Bio für alle, Bio-Supermarkt,
Monday, Feb 8, 2010
Monday, Feb 8, 2010
a bunch of salvageable oranges, i got about 4 kg out of there
And another day, with even more music, cruising the city for a bike tool, i couldn't help myself checking the ALNATURA BINS IN SACHSENHAUSEN
this lovely musician had a few, while he spiced up the city on the Eiserner Steg.
Good Energy Man, Thanks!
I left a trail of these goodies all ovber with everyone i had to deal with looking for that damn tool, hahahaha, it was a good way to educate through example and action!
Very effective, word of mouth shall never be underestimated.
10+ Mangos looking for new Eaters, "Eat me eat me, i was made by Nature to be eaten!"
05 February 2010
another one of these sprout out of the ground like mushrooms organic supermarkets, they have their own line of organics!
another one of these sprout out of the ground like mushrooms organic supermarkets, they have their own line of organics!
I got a tip by a friend, last time we raided Alnatura's Waste bins together a few days ago.
I hadn't heard of Denn's, but then I don't permanently live here anymore, one could say I am out of the loop.
Of course I was going to give it a try, even just for variety, never know what exotic fruit they might kick goodbye that would just be a perfect addition to my smoothies....
Perfectly accessible dumpster, 3 compost bins.
I want to take the opportunity to thank the management of this and other shops, only those who are making no efforts in locking the compost away, so at the very least, recyclers and reusers such as myself can let the bananas, lemons, salad and other earthlings, have an honorable disappearance in Germany after the long journey north towards the pole!
I will be Back!!!!
on the way home, more familiar ground again
And the day after more goodies from Denn's
and a few other things
and then rode past a Tengelmann Shop
in Frankfurt Ostend,
absolutely rich dumpster for those who don't mind eating pesticide laden mainstream food
8 compost bins and all i found that was somewhat edible, were a few organic eggs, the sell-by date was the 27th of february, so way out there in the future, i hope to be in Spain by bike on the way to Portugal by then.....
The pack of eggs must have accidentally fallen inside the store and two eggs were broken, so standard practice prescribes what they do next: "Just throw them out" in the ideal world they would wipe them clean and sell them too, but hey we are only going through an economic crisis, because they keep repeating it on TV, so you better believe it but act otherwise in every other field of daily life!
Ginger and Eggs
Most Noticeable, the bread, half a container full, sell by date of the bagged stuff, Feb. 9, 2010!!!!
Crazy Fools!
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